Participate as a Vendor

Crafts and More Vendors

We are proud to feature over 100 of the finest crafters from the Midwest. You can find handmade furniture, jewelry, pottery, clothing, and many more handmade crafts. 

Crafts and More Vendor Information: 
200 Spaces Available
Vendor Hours:
9 am to 8 pm Thursday - Sunday
9 am to 3 pm Labor Day

Juried Show: April 28, 2024

Contact Info:
Kim Shirley Crafts and More Coordinator and Promotor at or Home Office 515-848-3139 or Cell at 515-979-0910

Or Terry McWilliams, CEO at or 319-385-8937
Click Here for a Printable 2024 Crafter Vendor Application 

Antique Vendors

We have a wide variety of antique dealers located on the grounds in two different locations during the Old Threshers Reunion. You can find jewelry, dishes, antique toys, advertising memorabilia, and those must-haves for your collection. If you are interested in learning more about the 30 antique dealers on the grounds or having a booth at the Reunion, please contact Old Threshers at 319-385-8937 or Email


Outside Vendors

We have a wide variety of outside vendors located south of the museum buildings during the Old Threshers Reunion. You can find jewelry, tools, tents, flags, memorabilia, and more. If you are interested in learning more about the outside vendors on the grounds or having a space at the Reunion, please contact Old Threshers at 319-385-8937 or Email


Trading Post Vendors

When bringing items to the Trading Tent, please check in with the person in charge of the tent and pick up your needed tags. You should pick up enough tags for all the items you plan to bring into the tent area.

The top tag with the wire on it will be placed onto the item for sale. You will need to list what the item is and the price of it on this tag. The next part of the tag is the office file tag, which will have your name, address, phone number, and the item and price on it. Turn in all the office tags to the individual in charge of the tent area. The bottom part of the tag is your item claim ticket if the item does not sell.

It is your responsibility to pick up items that do not sell and or collect by check for the items sold less the percentage for an operation. You MUST do this by 6 p.m. Monday, the last day of the show. Any other further questions please contact Old Threshers at 319-385-8937

Vendor Check-In: Mon. & Tues. 8 am - 6 pm

Open for Business: Wed. - Sun. 8am - 6pm & Labor Day 8am - 1pm